LOKER GRESIK. TIM kami akan memberikan informasi lowongan kerja terbaru di bulan Mei 2016 dan sebelum kami memberikannya tinjau kembali informasi penting sebelumnya yang ada dibawah ini:
Jadwal Job Fair Terbaru 2016.
Loker Hari ini adalah berkaitan dengan tingkat pendidikan D3,S1. Jika anda lulusan tingkat tersebut bersegeralah untuk memberikan lamaran atau CV jika cocok atau sesuai dengan posisi, deskripsi dan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
PT Adaro Energy
PT Adaro Energy merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produsen batu bara terbesar di dunia. Adaro Energy didirikan pada tahun 2004 sebagai perseroan terbatas dengan nama PT Padang Karunia. Pada bulan April 2008, nama perusahaan berubah menjadi PT Adaro Energy Tbk dalam persiapan untuk menjadi perusahaan publik dalam penawaran perdana yang dilakukan dengan hasil yang memuaskan pada bulan Juli di tahun yang sama.
Adaro merupakan perusahaan grup yang terintegrasi secara vertikal. Selain anak perusahaan pertambangan utamanya yang bernama PT Adaro Indonesia, Adaro juga memiliki anak-anak perusahaan lainnya yang beroperasi di sepanjang rantai pasokan batubara mulai dari tambang ke pelabuhan dan berlanjut ke pembangkit listrik, yang meliputi penambangan, tongkang, pemuatan kapal, pengerukan, jasa pelabuhan, pemasaran dan ketenagalistrikan.
Anak-anak perusahaan Adaro bersama dengan para kontraktor memproduksi batubaranya dengan tingkat efisiensi yang tertinggi di sektornya dan biaya yang rendah.
Adaro Energy beroperasi dengan visi untuk menjadi perusahaan energi dan tambang batubara terbesar dan terefisien di Asia Tenggara. Perusahaan menjalankan strategi untuk berfokus pada produksi batubara yang tumbuh secara organik, meningkatkan efisiensi dan pengendalian biaya dan mengembangkan dan melanjutkan integrasi divisi ketenagalistrikan.
Dalam rangka memperluas jaringan bisnis pada tahun 2016 dan untuk mewujudkan tujuan dari PT Adaro Energy sebagaimana yang telah ditetapkan dalam visi dan misi perusahaan tersebut. Maka dari itu PT Adaro Energy kembali membuka kesempatan berkarir bagi putra putri terbaik dalam pembukaan Lowongan Kerja 2016 PT Adaro Energy untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan.
Pada info loker terbaru hari ini, PT Adaro Energy saat ini membutuhkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, memiliki keterampilan dan pengetahuan agar mampu memberikan kontribusi bagi kesuksesan perusahaan. Maka dari itu kepada calon pelamar diharapkan teliti dalam memperhatikan setiap informasi dari tiap tiap posisi jabatan yang dibutuhkan pada lowongan pekerjaan yang kami muat sebagaimana berikut dibawah ini.

PT Adaro Energy
- Majoring in Marine of any related major in K3LH or Engineering with Min. GPA 3.0.
- Minimum 7 years experience in the same position favourably in Port or Marine industry.
- Fluent knowledge and exerience in IMO standard of SHE and K3LH regulations.
- Having knowledge and exposure for ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001 implementation.
- Knowledge and experiences in ISM Code regulation and implementation.
- Good communication especially in speaking and writing in English.
- Good leadership skill and proven track record of leadership experiences.
- Willing to be placed at Taboneo (South Kalimantan)
- Diploma Degree majoring in Marine or other related major with Min. GPA 2.75.
- Minimum 1 year experience as Loading Foreman on board for Gearless and Gear Vessel.
- Having loading process knowledge and experiences especially in Coal.
- Having shipping administration skill.
- Having experience in handling coal loading and unloading skill.
- Having Certificate of Crane is favorable.
- Willing to be placed at Taboneo (South Kalimantan)
Job Requirements :
Kepada calon pelamar agar menyiapkan berkas lamaran lengkap seperti surat lamaran kerja, CV, foto terbaru dan dokumen pelengkap lainnya. Ingat! siapkan berkas lamaran kerja anda sebaik-baiknya, karena kelengkapan berkas akan berpeluang untuk lolos seleksi administrasi.
Adapun tata cara yang telah ditetapkan dalam proses rekrutmen PT Adaro Energy ini yaitu dengan melakukan pendaftaran secara online pada link berikut:
Closing Date: 11 Juni 2016
Sumber: https://ecc.ft.ugm.ac.id/
Jangan lewatkan informasi lowongan kerja sebelumnya: Lowongan Kerja Bank BTN Mei 2016
Informasi Penetapan UMP/UMK Jawa Timur Tahun 2016
Jika Informasi Lowongan Kerja diatas tidak sesuai dengan keinginan anda silahkan untuk mencari LOWONGAN KERJA TERBARU lainnya dibawah ini:
- Candidate must possess at least a Diploma in Marine or equivalent.
- Having ANT III is favorable.
- Having Certificate in Radar Simulator, ARPA Simulator, GMDSS, SOU/GOC and Operational USe of ECDIS.
- Minimum 3 years in similar position as Operator control room terminal, Operator Radar.
- Required language(s): English, Indonesia
- At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
- Applicants must be willing to work in Taboneo - South Kalimantan. Full-Time position(s) available.
- Educational Background in Marine (ANT II) and having Pilotage Certificate.
- Having Certificate in GROC, Mooring Master, Port Management Certificate, ISPS Code Certificate, etc.
- Minimum 6 years experiences in common experience on vessel, and/or prior Lightering experience as Master on either.
- Having experience as a Mooring Master will be favorable.
- Applicants must be willing to work in Taboneo - South Kalimantan.
- Full-Time position(s) available
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree (S1), Engineering (Marine) or equivalent.
- Having ORU certificate and Basic Safety Certificate.
- At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
- Applicants must be willing to work in Banjarmasin.
- Preferably Supervisor / Coordinators specializing in dredging company or marine industry.
- Full-Time position(s) available.
- Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree (S1), Hydrological Science, Geodetical Engineering, Engineering (Marine) or equivalent.
- At least 7 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
- Having International Hydrography - Oceanography Certificates (IHO).
- Familiar with Software Hydropro.
- Having ability and familiar with Autocad - 2d and 3D.
- Having good communication in English oral and written.
- Having good leadership exposures.
- Applicants must be willing to work in Banjarmasin.
- Preferably Manager / Assistant Managers specializing in Engineering - Civil/Construction/Structural or equivalent.
- Full-Time position(s) available
- Bachelor’s Degree (S1) from an accredited college or university in engineering or business having project managed a power plant in a commercial/ contracts role.At least twenty (12) years relevant management experience
- Extensive knowledge and experience in negotiating contracts and commercial terms
- Knowledge and understanding of regulatory requirements and relevant codes for the power plant construction
- Ability to drive team of by providing right directions to complete the activities in time and within budget
- Ability to communicate effectively with all stakeholders
- Ability to communicate well with team members and also possess excellent team building skills
- Ability to establish and maintain good working relationships with EPC contractors, Consultants, managers, fellow employees, and representatives of the regulatory agencies.
- Must be computer literate, with experience using word processing, excel spreadsheets, project management software’s and other engineering tools.
- Ability to maintain a strong sense of propriety concerning confidential matters
- Supervise a team of Contracts Executive on commercial matters
- Contract administration
- Oversee bids for tender submission, costing and monitor bid evaluation and selection process
- Min Bachelor Degree (S1) in Engineering / Management / Economic / Psychology
- Min 5 years' experience as HR Manager
- Have competencies: negotiation skill, remuneration management, Employee & Industrial relations, organization development, and people development
- Good communication skill
- Fluent in English is a must
- Candidate must possess at least a Diploma (D3/D4), Bachelor's Degree (S1), Business Studies/Administration/Management, Secretarial or equivalent.
- Minimal 3 years experience.
- Required skill(s): ability English communication skill, ability to work with detailed, ability to write correspondence well.
- Required language(s): English
- Full-Time position(s) available
- Bachelor / Master Degree (S1/S2) in IT
- Have min 5 years experience as MIS Specialist
- Have strong competency in Database Management and Management Information System
- Good communication skill
- Good English is a must
- Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) all major with min GPA 3.00 out of 4.00
- Minimum 2 years experience in similar position
- Required Competencies : Recruitment, Industrial Relation, Employee Relation, People Development, HR Administrative, GA.
- Good communication, leadership & managerial skills and has to be passionate in human resources
- Good command in English both oral and written
- Willing to be located at Tanjung, Kalimantan Selatan
- Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Finance or Accounting
- Minimum 2 years in similar position
- Required Competencies : Financial Analysis, Financial Planning & Budgeting, Loan Documentation Monitoring and Reporting
- Good communication and interpersonal skills
- Excellent command in English both oral and written
- Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) at Civil Engineering
- Minimum 1 years experience at same role
- Have a knowledge about mine civil and portwork
- Have a good knowledge about Hydrology
- Have a good knowledge about EVM, RAB, Project Management, Support Software about civil works
- Willing to be placed at Kelanis Site, Central Borneo
- Bachelor degree (S1) in agriculture
- Min 5 years total experience
- 5 years experience as Plantatione Manager or Head of Administration Gardens
- Research and development experience doing business development garden
- Having the ability to project management, project management, legal compliance, handling conflict, and quality improvement
- Minimum D3 Degree majoring Geographic Information System & Remote Sensing (GIS & RS)
- Minimum 3.00 GPA.
- Having minimum 2 years experience as GIS Administrator in reputable company.
- Having knowledge about Geographic Information System (GIS).
- Having knowledge about Database Infrastructure.
- Bachelor degree (S1) in Agribusiness / Information Systems / Business Management with Min. GPA 3:00
- A minimum of 2 year experience in breeding company
- Have the ability in the field of Agribusiness Management and Internal Audit
- Have good communication skills Willing to be located at Kalimantan Selatan
- Bachelor Degree (S1) in Accounting from reputable university
- Min GPA 3.00
- Have an experience in same position min 1 year (preferably from Public Accounting Firm)
- Accurate, team work, willing to learn fast, good time management
- Good communication skill
- Have a good English is a must
- Bachelor degree (S1) from Economic majoring Accounting, min GPA 3.00
- Min. 2 years experience, preferably from Public Accountant background
- Having knowledge about Financial Planning & Budgeting
- Having knowledge about Financial Analyst
- Having knowledge about Accounting Control
- Fluent in English is a must
- Bachelor Degree (S1) in Accounting from reputably University, min GPA 3.00
- Have min 1 year experience as Reporting Staff and/or experience from Public Accounting Firm
- Have good knowledge of financial analysis, accounting control, and financial planning & budgeting
- Good English is a must
Kepada calon pelamar agar menyiapkan berkas lamaran lengkap seperti surat lamaran kerja, CV, foto terbaru dan dokumen pelengkap lainnya. Ingat! siapkan berkas lamaran kerja anda sebaik-baiknya, karena kelengkapan berkas akan berpeluang untuk lolos seleksi administrasi.
Adapun tata cara yang telah ditetapkan dalam proses rekrutmen PT Adaro Energy ini yaitu dengan melakukan pendaftaran secara online pada link berikut:
Closing Date: 11 Juni 2016
Sumber: https://ecc.ft.ugm.ac.id/
Jangan lewatkan informasi lowongan kerja sebelumnya: Lowongan Kerja Bank BTN Mei 2016
Informasi Penetapan UMP/UMK Jawa Timur Tahun 2016
Jika Informasi Lowongan Kerja diatas tidak sesuai dengan keinginan anda silahkan untuk mencari LOWONGAN KERJA TERBARU lainnya dibawah ini: